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Cyber Ops For Mac

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To publish this article, I had to submit it for review to three separate organizations: the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, United States Cyber Command (my employer), and the National Security Agency (NSA). In total, it took just under two months to secure approval from all three organizations for public release, significantly longer than it took to actually write the article itself. And this is still substantially faster than Cyber Command's process to review and approve actual cyberspace operations, a system subjected to similar redundancy and repetition.

Cyber Ops is a story-based tactical hacking game, told from the point of view of a mission control supervisor, operating from the distance. You are the eye in the sky, the invisible hand, the cyber ghost, looking after your team over the net. Cisco CCNA Cyber Ops pod is a 100% virtual machine pod consisting of five virtual machines. Linked together through virtual networking, these five virtual machines provide the environment for a student or a team to perform the Cisco CCNA Cyber Ops. Download Cyberfox for free. A Mozilla-based browser designed for the 64-bit architecture. Cyberfox is a Mozilla-based Internet browser designed to take advantage of 64-bit architecture but a 32-bit version is also available. The application provides a higher memory performance when navigating your favorite pages.

The organizational inefficiency inherent to both processes is a consequence of the 'dual hat' relationship between NSA and Cyber Command, which entrusts the command of both organizations to a single individual. The original motivation for the arrangement — which was always intended to be temporary — was to allow a nascent Cyber Command to benefit from NSA's expertise, capabilities, and experience, which helped all of Cyber Command's teams to achieve full operational capability last year. In practice, the relationship allows a single individual to weigh the oft-competing interests of NSA and Cyber Command, whose responsibilities in the cyber domain frequently overlap. The dual hat command relationship has been continually reviewed by presidential administrations since its inception, and experts have made competing arguments for both the dissolution and continuation of the arrangement.

While most of the arguments for ending the dual hat relationship have focused on the successful buildup of Cyber Command or the risk to NSA's operations and capabilities, comparatively little attention has been given to how the organizational overlap with NSA affects Cyber Command's pursuit of its missions. The interdependence between the two organizations has allowed Cyber Command to grow accustomed to virtually uninterrupted operational and logistical support from NSA offices. This deeply ingrained organizational reliance on NSA tradecraft and processes has fundamentally shaped the way the command approaches cyberspace operations. Specifically, by borrowing from NSA's procedures and culture, Cyber Command has steadily become more risk-averse than befits an organization dedicated to offensive operations and imposing costs on adversaries. For Cyber Command to more effectively accomplish its mission, it should be separated from NSA sooner than planned. This will allow the command to better pursue the nation's military objectives in cyberspace, including deterring potential adversaries from threatening critical national infrastructure.

Dual-hatting initially made sense because there is a fundamental similarity between the technical aspects of military cyberspace operations (Cyber Command's domain) and intelligence-related computer network operations (what NSA does). Gen. Michael Hayden noted that offensive cyberspace operations and signals intelligence are technically indistinguishable from each other, citing this as reason for unifying the command of the two organizations responsible for each. A pressing need to develop a robust military cyberspace operations capability motivated the decision to attach Cyber Command to the fully developed and functional NSA.

However, though Cyber Command and NSA share technical similarities in their operations, they operate under distinct legal authorities for different purposes. NSA, with authority from Title 50 of the U.S. Code, is responsible for conducting signals intelligence collection, which involves accessing computer networks for the purpose of secretly gathering information from them. Conversely, Cyber Command primarily derives its authority from Title 10 and is responsible for conducting military computer network operations, which involves accessing computer networks for the purpose of creating noticeable effects on them. These effects, which are intended to support a specific military objective, are typically one of the '5 Ds': deny, degrade, disrupt, deceive, or destroy. This subtle, yet important, distinction between the two organizations' authorities and missions is critical to understanding the sometimes contentious relationship between Cyber Command and NSA. Cyber Command, in its earliest days, was essentially an organizational arm of NSA established to provide legality for conducting operations that NSA possessed the technical capability to execute, but not the legal authority. While some of Cyber Command's recent operational successes against adversaries have made headlines, NSA's operations have not — and that's exactly how it ought to be.

The dual hat arrangement was never intended to be permanent. The guidance that President Barack Obama issued after signing the 2017 National Defense and Authorization Act clearly stated the commander in chief's desire to see the two organizations separated. That NDAA established a specific set of criteria to terminate the dual hat relationship. A number of these criteria are easily quantifiable and have already been met, such as Cyber Command's mission forces achieving full operational capability. Others, however, are more difficult to objectively assess, such as ensuring that 'robust command and control systems and processes have been established for planning, deconflicting, and executing military cyber operations.' These are systems and capabilitiesthat continue to be developed out by Cyber Command with significant influence and assistance from NSA.

Cyber Command's current approach to conducting computer network operations focuses heavily on the review and approval process. In addition to ensuring legal compliance with the myriad authorities and orders pertaining to cyberspace operations, review processes focus on risk management. Strategic-level operations conducted by Cyber Command undergo exhaustive review and approval processes meant to minimize risk to tradecraft, capabilities, and security. Operational security is of critical importance to cyberspace operations, where the efficacy of a weapon system hinges upon its ability to operate secretly. In 2016, a hacking group known as the Shadow Brokers published cyber tools and capabilities that allegedly belonged to NSA, causing profound damage to the agency's ability to conduct operations.

For every operation Cyber Command executes, joint leaders and operations planners must meticulously calculate and evaluate the risk associated with that particular operation. This is an exceedingly complicated task that requires detailed knowledge of the operations planning and approval process, in addition to technical familiarity with the underlying technologies associated with the operation. In developing this process, Cyber Command has relied heavily on the experience of NSA, using similar processes to ensure that risk is minimized. In so doing, Cyber Command has inadvertently patterned its own appetite for risk after NSA's. But while NSA's operations are conducted with scrupulous operational security, intelligence collection is not the primary mission of Cyber Command. In the words of Gen. Paul Nakasone, Cyber Command's primary mission is to impose costs on adversaries who have acted in the cyberspace domain without fear of retaliation. Imposing cost implies inflicting noticeable damage to a target in a manner that would typically be considered too noisy, risky, or noticeable in signals intelligence operations.

When conducting offensive cyberspace operations, there are essentially two ways to acquire access to a target system: using credentials to masquerade as a legitimate user, and using a vulnerability to exploit a system. In a masquerade, an attacker uses valid credentials, such as a username and password, to log in to the target system as an authorized user. Masquerade attacks are usually difficult to detect because they rely on the system behaving the way it's supposed to. Conversely, an exploit relies on the existence of a technical vulnerability that allows an attacker to gain unauthorized access to a system. Exploitation relies on a system functioning incorrectly, and is significantly more likely to produce alerts that can expose an attack.

Cyber Ops For Mac

To assess the risk associated with these types of operations, Cyber Command solicits approval from an array of staffs and reviewers. In part because Cyber Command has relied heavily on NSA training, support, and experience to establish these processes, exploitation operations — which by nature carry a greater risk of detection — are subject to increased standards of scrutiny. Likewise, operations that produce a noticeable effect, such as a denial-of-service attack, are typically viewed with aversion. This is detrimental to Cyber Command's execution of its mission, as producing the desired outcomes against an adversary requires assuming more risk. In reality, the operations approval structure of Cyber Command is set up to prioritize the security of operations above all else, and is extremely risk-averse. Cyber Command's mission is fundamentally different than NSA's, and rather than copying approval processes used in intelligence operations, it ought to employ a structure more typical of a military command. However, as long as it relies on NSA tradecraft and expertise Cyber Command will continue to use a paradoxical operations process that is fundamentally opposed to the exact type of mission it is charged with conducting.

The review process for a Cyber Command operation also requires an equities review by a multitude of government, intelligence, and military stakeholders. The idea is that all relevant parties have an opportunity to address potential concerns with a proposed offensive cyberspace operation. While one of the principal original concerns with the dual hat arrangement was the potential for unfair prioritization of Cyber Command support requests to the NSA, the equities review process has instead created the opposite problem. Because Cyber Command depends so heavily on NSA logistical and operational support, it has essentially lent the agency de facto veto authority on offensive cyberspace operations: Cyber Command risks losing NSA-facilitated training, NSA-provided office space, and access to NSA's signals intelligence data by bickering with NSA over who get a shot at a given targets. The responsibility of balancing the prioritization of the distinct missions of two different organizations should not be delegated to a single individual. Doing so inevitably privileges one mission at the other's expense, and ultimately impedes overall progress for both.

The self-defeating nature of the dual hat also runs contrary to America's increasingly risk-tolerant approach to countering adversary competition in cyberspace. Analysts have repeatedly advocated that the United States take a more proactive approach to cyberspace operations. How to format g drive for mac into exfat. The summary of the 2018 Department of Defense Cyber Strategy shifts toward a focus on 'defending forward,' establishing a more aggressive stance in cyber operations through a policy of embracing constant forward contact. The strategy explicitly replaces the previous focus on risk mitigation and escalation control with a risk-acceptant commitment to 'assertively defend our interests.' The strategy indicates that the Department of Defense will 'accept and manage operational and programmatic risk in a deliberate manner that moves from a ‘zero defect' culture to one that fosters agility and innovation.' The document acknowledges the risk inherent to the conduct of cyberspace operations, but ultimately accepts the possibility of operational failure as a necessary consequence of deterring adversary competition in cyberspace. Shifting to a more proactive stance with military cyberspace operations is not a provocative overreaction to malicious activity, nor does it reasonably stand to elicit an escalatory response from adversaries. Rather, shifting Cyber Command away from a risk-averse mindset is a recognition of an increasingly contested information environment in which the command is at serious risk of being outpaced and outplayed in its current state.

The missions of NSA and Cyber Command will continue to compete for priority and advocacy under the dual hat. The shaping effect of this relationship has diminished Cyber Command's appetite for risk, and slowed the approval process for military cyberspace operations to a sluggish crawl. What takes adversaries mere minutes to do takes Cyber Command weeks, or even months. In the cyberspace domain, where windows of opportunity for an operation can be vanishingly small, Cyber Command's review and approval processes need a paradigm shift. NSA has been instrumental to the development of Cyber Command, and the existence of the command, as well as its operational successes, are a credit to NSA's diligent work to establish and support a military presence in cyberspace. However, as has been echoed by previous presidential administrations, the time has come to allow Cyber Command to stand on its own, and free NSA from the responsibility of nurturing a full-fledged combatant command in addition to pursuing its own mission.

With the 2020 elections fast approaching, the potential consequences are simply too significant to continue kicking this can down the road. The dual hat should be split by the end of the calendar year, if not sooner. Eliminating the dual hat is a critical step toward allowing both organizations to engage more fully with their missions and moving Cyber Command to a culture of greater risk acceptance.

Andrew Schoka is an active duty Army cyber operations officer assigned to U.S. Cyber Command at Fort Meade, Maryland. He is a Distinguished Military Graduate of Virginia Tech with a bachelor's degree in systems engineering. The views and opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Cyber Command, or any agency of the U.S. government.

Cyber Ops For Mac Os

Cyber Ops For Mac

Image: U.S. Army photo

If the default gateway is configured incorrectly on the host, what is the impact on communications?
  • The host is unable to communicate on the local network.
  • There is no impact on communications.
  • The host can communicate with other hosts on remote networks, but is unable to communicate with hosts on the local network.
  • The host can communicate with other hosts on the local network, but isunable to communicate with hosts on remote networks. *
Which message delivery option is used when all devices need to receive the same message simultaneously?
  • Duplex
  • Unicast
  • Multicast
  • Broadcast *
How is a DHCPDISCOVER transmitted on a network to reach a DHCP server?
  • A DHCPDISCOVER message is sent with a multicast IP address that all DHCP servers listen to as the destination address.
  • A DHCPDISCOVER message is sent with the broadcast IP address as the destination address.
  • A DHCPDISCOVER message is sent with the IP address of the default gateway as the destination address.
  • A DHCPDISCOVER message is sent with the IP address of the DHCP server as the destination address.
What part of the URL,, represents the top-level DNS domain?
  • www
  • http
  • index
  • com
The graphic shows a network diagram as follows:
PC A connects to switch S1, which connects to the G0/0 interface of router R1. PC B connects to switch S2, which connects to the G0/1 interface of router R1. A network analyst is connected to switch S2. The address of each device is as follows:
PC A: and FE80::1243:FEFE:8A43:2122 and 01-90-C0-E4-55-BB
PC B: and FE80::FBB2:E77A:D143 and 08-CB-8A-5C-D5-8A
R1 G0/0: and FE80::1 and 00-D0-D3-BE-79-26
R1 G0/1: and FE80::1 and 00-60-0F-B1-D1-11

Refer to the exhibit. A cybersecurity analyst is viewing captured ICMP echo request packets sent from host A to host B on switch S2. What is the source MAC address of Ethernet frames carrying the ICMP echo request packets? Sims 4 hair colors mods.

  • 08-CB-8A-5C-D5-BA
  • 00-D0-D3-BE-79-26
  • 00-60-0F-B1-D1-11
  • 01-90-C0-E4-55-BB
Refer to the exhibit. A cybersecurity analyst is viewing captured packets forwarded on switch S1. Which device has the MAC address 50:6a:03:96:71:22?
  • PC-A
  • router DG
  • DSN server
  • router ISP
  • web server
Explanation: The Wireshark capture is of a DNS query from PC-A to the DNS server. Because the DNS server is on a remote network, the PC will send the query to the default gateway router, router DG, using the MAC address of the router G0/0 interface on the router.
Which term is used to describe the process of placing one message format inside another message format?
  • encoding
  • multiplexing
  • encapsulation
  • segmentation
Which PDU format is used when bits are received from the network medium by the NIC of a host?
  • frame
  • file
  • packet
  • segment
What addresses are mapped by ARP?
  • Destination IPv4 address to the source MAC address
  • Destination IPv4 address to the destination hostname
  • Destination MAC address to the source IPv4 address
  • Destination MAC address to a destination IPv4 address *
Which statement is true about FTP?
  • The client can download data from or upload data to the server. *
  • The client can choose if FTP is going to establish one or two connections with the server.
  • FTP is a peer-to-peer application.
  • FTP does not provide reliability during data transmission.
Which two OSI model layers have the same functionality as two layers of the TCP/IP model? (Choose two.)
  • Session
  • Transport *
  • Network *
  • Data link
  • Physical
Which statement is true about the TCP/IP and OSI models?
  • The TCP/IP transport layer and OSI Layer 4 provide similar services and functions. *
  • The TCP/IP network access layer has similar functions to the OSI network layer.
  • The OSI Layer 7 and the TCP/IP application layer provide identical functions.
  • The first three OSI layers describe general services that are also provided by the TCP/IP Internet layer.
Which application layer protocol uses message types such as GET, PUT, and POST?
  • SMTP
  • POP3
  • DHCP
  • HTTP
  • DNS
Which transport layer feature is used to guarantee session establishment?
  • UDP sequence number
  • TCP 3-way handshake
  • TCP port number
  • UDP ACK flag
What is the prefix length notation for the subnet mask
  • /26
  • /27
  • /28
  • /25
What are two potential network problems that can result from ARP operation? (Choose two.)
  • Multiple ARP replies result in the switch MAC address table containing entries that match the MAC addresses of hosts that are connected to the relevant switch port.
  • Network attackers could manipulate MAC address and IP address mappings in ARP messages with the intent of intercepting network traffic.
  • On large networks with low bandwidth, multiple ARP broadcasts could cause data communication delays.
  • Manually configuring static ARP associations could facilitate ARP poisoning or MAC address spoofing.
  • Large numbers of ARP request broadcasts could cause the host MAC address table to overflow and prevent the host from communicating on the network.
Which TCP mechanism is used to identify missing segments?
  • sequence numbers
  • FCS
  • acknowledgments
  • window size
What is the most compressed representation of the IPv6 address 2001:0000:0000:abcd:0000:0000:0000:0001?
  • 2001::abcd::1
  • 2001:0:abcd::1
  • 2001::abcd:0:1
  • 2001:0:0:abcd::1 *
  • 2001:0000:abcd::1
What three application layer protocols are part of the TCP/IP protocol suite? (Choose three.)
  • ARP
  • DHCP *
  • DNS *
  • FTP *
  • NAT
  • PPP
What are two features of ARP? (Choose two.)
  • An ARP request is sent to all devices on the Ethernet LAN and contains the IP address of the destination host and its multicast MAC address.
  • If no device responds to the ARP request, then the originating node will broadcast the data packet to all devices on the network segment.
  • When a host is encapsulating a packet into a frame, it refers to the MAC address table to determine the mapping of IP addresses to MAC addresses.
  • If a host is ready to send a packet to a local destination device and it has the IP address but not the MAC address of the destination, it generates an ARP broadcast.
  • If a device receiving an ARP request has the destination IPv4 address, it responds with an ARP reply.
In NAT translation for internal hosts, what address would be used by external users to reach internal hosts?
  • outside global
  • outside local
  • inside local
  • inside global
The exhibit shows a network topology. PC1 and PC2 are connected to the Fa0/1 and Fa0/2 ports of the SW1 switch, respectively. SW1 is connected through its Fa0/3 port to the Fa0/0 interface of the RT1 router. RT1 is connected through its Fa0/1 to the Fa0/2 port of SW2 switch. SW2 is connected through its Fa0/1 port to the PC3.

Refer to the exhibit. PC1 issues an ARP request because it needs to send a packet to PC2. In this scenario, what will happen next?

Word style set. Copy one from the Style Sets folder, add.dotx to the end and double-click. Or vice versa, create a template in Word, save and copy into the Style Sets folder, the template appears in your Style Sets list. So you can still use your old styles in the Preview and you can save your new styles in a template. The definitions of the styles are determined by the style set in use. Different style sets can quickly change the look of an entire document by redefining each built-in style (fonts, sizes, colors, line spacing, and so on). To change to a different style set in Word 2019, follow these steps. Styles dwell on the Word 2016 Home tab, in the aptly named Styles group, as shown here. What you see on the Ribbon is the Style Gallery, which can be expanded into a full menu of style choices. Where Word styles lurk. Click the dialog box launcher in the lower-right corner of the Styles group. In Word 2016, a style is a collection of text and paragraph formats. These formats are saved as a collection, given a name, and applied to text just like any other format. The difference is that when you apply a style, you're applying all the formats stored in that style. For heavy-duty formatting, styles save time. The text will appear in the selected style. To apply a style set: Style sets include a combination of title, heading, and paragraph styles. Style sets allow you to format all elements in your document at once instead of modifying each element separately. From the Design tab, click the More drop-down arrow in the Document Formatting group.

  • SW1 will send an ARP reply with the PC2 MAC address.
  • PC2 will send an ARP reply with its MAC address.
  • RT1 will send an ARP reply with its Fa0/0 MAC address.
  • RT1 will send an ARP reply with the PC2 MAC address.
  • SW1 will send an ARP reply with its Fa0/1 MAC address.
Which two characteristics are associated with UDP sessions? (Choose two.)
  • Unacknowledged data packets are retransmitted.
  • Destination devices receive traffic with minimal delay.
  • Destination devices reassemble messages and pass them to an application.
  • Transmitted data segments are tracked.
  • Received data is unacknowledged.
Refer to the exhibit. What is the global IPv6 address of the host in uncompressed format?
  • 2001:0DB8:0000:0000:0BAF:0000:3F57:FE94
  • 2001:0DB8:0000:0BAF:0000:0000:3F57:FE94
  • 2001:DB80:0000:0000:BAF0:0000:3F57:FE94
  • 2001:0DB8:0000:0000:0000:0BAF:3F57:FE94
What is the purpose of the routing process?
  • to provide secure Internet file transfer
  • to convert a URL name into an IP address
  • to forward traffic on the basis of MAC addresses
  • to encapsulate data that is used to communicate across a network
  • to select the paths that are used to direct traffic to destination networks
What is the purpose of ICMP messages?
  • to provide feedback of IP packet transmissions
  • to monitor the process of a domain name to IP address resolution
  • to inform routers about network topology changes
  • to ensure the delivery of an IP packet

To assess the risk associated with these types of operations, Cyber Command solicits approval from an array of staffs and reviewers. In part because Cyber Command has relied heavily on NSA training, support, and experience to establish these processes, exploitation operations — which by nature carry a greater risk of detection — are subject to increased standards of scrutiny. Likewise, operations that produce a noticeable effect, such as a denial-of-service attack, are typically viewed with aversion. This is detrimental to Cyber Command's execution of its mission, as producing the desired outcomes against an adversary requires assuming more risk. In reality, the operations approval structure of Cyber Command is set up to prioritize the security of operations above all else, and is extremely risk-averse. Cyber Command's mission is fundamentally different than NSA's, and rather than copying approval processes used in intelligence operations, it ought to employ a structure more typical of a military command. However, as long as it relies on NSA tradecraft and expertise Cyber Command will continue to use a paradoxical operations process that is fundamentally opposed to the exact type of mission it is charged with conducting.

The review process for a Cyber Command operation also requires an equities review by a multitude of government, intelligence, and military stakeholders. The idea is that all relevant parties have an opportunity to address potential concerns with a proposed offensive cyberspace operation. While one of the principal original concerns with the dual hat arrangement was the potential for unfair prioritization of Cyber Command support requests to the NSA, the equities review process has instead created the opposite problem. Because Cyber Command depends so heavily on NSA logistical and operational support, it has essentially lent the agency de facto veto authority on offensive cyberspace operations: Cyber Command risks losing NSA-facilitated training, NSA-provided office space, and access to NSA's signals intelligence data by bickering with NSA over who get a shot at a given targets. The responsibility of balancing the prioritization of the distinct missions of two different organizations should not be delegated to a single individual. Doing so inevitably privileges one mission at the other's expense, and ultimately impedes overall progress for both.

The self-defeating nature of the dual hat also runs contrary to America's increasingly risk-tolerant approach to countering adversary competition in cyberspace. Analysts have repeatedly advocated that the United States take a more proactive approach to cyberspace operations. How to format g drive for mac into exfat. The summary of the 2018 Department of Defense Cyber Strategy shifts toward a focus on 'defending forward,' establishing a more aggressive stance in cyber operations through a policy of embracing constant forward contact. The strategy explicitly replaces the previous focus on risk mitigation and escalation control with a risk-acceptant commitment to 'assertively defend our interests.' The strategy indicates that the Department of Defense will 'accept and manage operational and programmatic risk in a deliberate manner that moves from a ‘zero defect' culture to one that fosters agility and innovation.' The document acknowledges the risk inherent to the conduct of cyberspace operations, but ultimately accepts the possibility of operational failure as a necessary consequence of deterring adversary competition in cyberspace. Shifting to a more proactive stance with military cyberspace operations is not a provocative overreaction to malicious activity, nor does it reasonably stand to elicit an escalatory response from adversaries. Rather, shifting Cyber Command away from a risk-averse mindset is a recognition of an increasingly contested information environment in which the command is at serious risk of being outpaced and outplayed in its current state.

The missions of NSA and Cyber Command will continue to compete for priority and advocacy under the dual hat. The shaping effect of this relationship has diminished Cyber Command's appetite for risk, and slowed the approval process for military cyberspace operations to a sluggish crawl. What takes adversaries mere minutes to do takes Cyber Command weeks, or even months. In the cyberspace domain, where windows of opportunity for an operation can be vanishingly small, Cyber Command's review and approval processes need a paradigm shift. NSA has been instrumental to the development of Cyber Command, and the existence of the command, as well as its operational successes, are a credit to NSA's diligent work to establish and support a military presence in cyberspace. However, as has been echoed by previous presidential administrations, the time has come to allow Cyber Command to stand on its own, and free NSA from the responsibility of nurturing a full-fledged combatant command in addition to pursuing its own mission.

With the 2020 elections fast approaching, the potential consequences are simply too significant to continue kicking this can down the road. The dual hat should be split by the end of the calendar year, if not sooner. Eliminating the dual hat is a critical step toward allowing both organizations to engage more fully with their missions and moving Cyber Command to a culture of greater risk acceptance.

Andrew Schoka is an active duty Army cyber operations officer assigned to U.S. Cyber Command at Fort Meade, Maryland. He is a Distinguished Military Graduate of Virginia Tech with a bachelor's degree in systems engineering. The views and opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Cyber Command, or any agency of the U.S. government.

Cyber Ops For Mac Os

Image: U.S. Army photo

If the default gateway is configured incorrectly on the host, what is the impact on communications?
  • The host is unable to communicate on the local network.
  • There is no impact on communications.
  • The host can communicate with other hosts on remote networks, but is unable to communicate with hosts on the local network.
  • The host can communicate with other hosts on the local network, but isunable to communicate with hosts on remote networks. *
Which message delivery option is used when all devices need to receive the same message simultaneously?
  • Duplex
  • Unicast
  • Multicast
  • Broadcast *
How is a DHCPDISCOVER transmitted on a network to reach a DHCP server?
  • A DHCPDISCOVER message is sent with a multicast IP address that all DHCP servers listen to as the destination address.
  • A DHCPDISCOVER message is sent with the broadcast IP address as the destination address.
  • A DHCPDISCOVER message is sent with the IP address of the default gateway as the destination address.
  • A DHCPDISCOVER message is sent with the IP address of the DHCP server as the destination address.
What part of the URL,, represents the top-level DNS domain?
  • www
  • http
  • index
  • com
The graphic shows a network diagram as follows:
PC A connects to switch S1, which connects to the G0/0 interface of router R1. PC B connects to switch S2, which connects to the G0/1 interface of router R1. A network analyst is connected to switch S2. The address of each device is as follows:
PC A: and FE80::1243:FEFE:8A43:2122 and 01-90-C0-E4-55-BB
PC B: and FE80::FBB2:E77A:D143 and 08-CB-8A-5C-D5-8A
R1 G0/0: and FE80::1 and 00-D0-D3-BE-79-26
R1 G0/1: and FE80::1 and 00-60-0F-B1-D1-11

Refer to the exhibit. A cybersecurity analyst is viewing captured ICMP echo request packets sent from host A to host B on switch S2. What is the source MAC address of Ethernet frames carrying the ICMP echo request packets? Sims 4 hair colors mods.

  • 08-CB-8A-5C-D5-BA
  • 00-D0-D3-BE-79-26
  • 00-60-0F-B1-D1-11
  • 01-90-C0-E4-55-BB
Refer to the exhibit. A cybersecurity analyst is viewing captured packets forwarded on switch S1. Which device has the MAC address 50:6a:03:96:71:22?
  • PC-A
  • router DG
  • DSN server
  • router ISP
  • web server
Explanation: The Wireshark capture is of a DNS query from PC-A to the DNS server. Because the DNS server is on a remote network, the PC will send the query to the default gateway router, router DG, using the MAC address of the router G0/0 interface on the router.
Which term is used to describe the process of placing one message format inside another message format?
  • encoding
  • multiplexing
  • encapsulation
  • segmentation
Which PDU format is used when bits are received from the network medium by the NIC of a host?
  • frame
  • file
  • packet
  • segment
What addresses are mapped by ARP?
  • Destination IPv4 address to the source MAC address
  • Destination IPv4 address to the destination hostname
  • Destination MAC address to the source IPv4 address
  • Destination MAC address to a destination IPv4 address *
Which statement is true about FTP?
  • The client can download data from or upload data to the server. *
  • The client can choose if FTP is going to establish one or two connections with the server.
  • FTP is a peer-to-peer application.
  • FTP does not provide reliability during data transmission.
Which two OSI model layers have the same functionality as two layers of the TCP/IP model? (Choose two.)
  • Session
  • Transport *
  • Network *
  • Data link
  • Physical
Which statement is true about the TCP/IP and OSI models?
  • The TCP/IP transport layer and OSI Layer 4 provide similar services and functions. *
  • The TCP/IP network access layer has similar functions to the OSI network layer.
  • The OSI Layer 7 and the TCP/IP application layer provide identical functions.
  • The first three OSI layers describe general services that are also provided by the TCP/IP Internet layer.
Which application layer protocol uses message types such as GET, PUT, and POST?
  • SMTP
  • POP3
  • DHCP
  • HTTP
  • DNS
Which transport layer feature is used to guarantee session establishment?
  • UDP sequence number
  • TCP 3-way handshake
  • TCP port number
  • UDP ACK flag
What is the prefix length notation for the subnet mask
  • /26
  • /27
  • /28
  • /25
What are two potential network problems that can result from ARP operation? (Choose two.)
  • Multiple ARP replies result in the switch MAC address table containing entries that match the MAC addresses of hosts that are connected to the relevant switch port.
  • Network attackers could manipulate MAC address and IP address mappings in ARP messages with the intent of intercepting network traffic.
  • On large networks with low bandwidth, multiple ARP broadcasts could cause data communication delays.
  • Manually configuring static ARP associations could facilitate ARP poisoning or MAC address spoofing.
  • Large numbers of ARP request broadcasts could cause the host MAC address table to overflow and prevent the host from communicating on the network.
Which TCP mechanism is used to identify missing segments?
  • sequence numbers
  • FCS
  • acknowledgments
  • window size
What is the most compressed representation of the IPv6 address 2001:0000:0000:abcd:0000:0000:0000:0001?
  • 2001::abcd::1
  • 2001:0:abcd::1
  • 2001::abcd:0:1
  • 2001:0:0:abcd::1 *
  • 2001:0000:abcd::1
What three application layer protocols are part of the TCP/IP protocol suite? (Choose three.)
  • ARP
  • DHCP *
  • DNS *
  • FTP *
  • NAT
  • PPP
What are two features of ARP? (Choose two.)
  • An ARP request is sent to all devices on the Ethernet LAN and contains the IP address of the destination host and its multicast MAC address.
  • If no device responds to the ARP request, then the originating node will broadcast the data packet to all devices on the network segment.
  • When a host is encapsulating a packet into a frame, it refers to the MAC address table to determine the mapping of IP addresses to MAC addresses.
  • If a host is ready to send a packet to a local destination device and it has the IP address but not the MAC address of the destination, it generates an ARP broadcast.
  • If a device receiving an ARP request has the destination IPv4 address, it responds with an ARP reply.
In NAT translation for internal hosts, what address would be used by external users to reach internal hosts?
  • outside global
  • outside local
  • inside local
  • inside global
The exhibit shows a network topology. PC1 and PC2 are connected to the Fa0/1 and Fa0/2 ports of the SW1 switch, respectively. SW1 is connected through its Fa0/3 port to the Fa0/0 interface of the RT1 router. RT1 is connected through its Fa0/1 to the Fa0/2 port of SW2 switch. SW2 is connected through its Fa0/1 port to the PC3.

Refer to the exhibit. PC1 issues an ARP request because it needs to send a packet to PC2. In this scenario, what will happen next?

Word style set. Copy one from the Style Sets folder, add.dotx to the end and double-click. Or vice versa, create a template in Word, save and copy into the Style Sets folder, the template appears in your Style Sets list. So you can still use your old styles in the Preview and you can save your new styles in a template. The definitions of the styles are determined by the style set in use. Different style sets can quickly change the look of an entire document by redefining each built-in style (fonts, sizes, colors, line spacing, and so on). To change to a different style set in Word 2019, follow these steps. Styles dwell on the Word 2016 Home tab, in the aptly named Styles group, as shown here. What you see on the Ribbon is the Style Gallery, which can be expanded into a full menu of style choices. Where Word styles lurk. Click the dialog box launcher in the lower-right corner of the Styles group. In Word 2016, a style is a collection of text and paragraph formats. These formats are saved as a collection, given a name, and applied to text just like any other format. The difference is that when you apply a style, you're applying all the formats stored in that style. For heavy-duty formatting, styles save time. The text will appear in the selected style. To apply a style set: Style sets include a combination of title, heading, and paragraph styles. Style sets allow you to format all elements in your document at once instead of modifying each element separately. From the Design tab, click the More drop-down arrow in the Document Formatting group.

  • SW1 will send an ARP reply with the PC2 MAC address.
  • PC2 will send an ARP reply with its MAC address.
  • RT1 will send an ARP reply with its Fa0/0 MAC address.
  • RT1 will send an ARP reply with the PC2 MAC address.
  • SW1 will send an ARP reply with its Fa0/1 MAC address.
Which two characteristics are associated with UDP sessions? (Choose two.)
  • Unacknowledged data packets are retransmitted.
  • Destination devices receive traffic with minimal delay.
  • Destination devices reassemble messages and pass them to an application.
  • Transmitted data segments are tracked.
  • Received data is unacknowledged.
Refer to the exhibit. What is the global IPv6 address of the host in uncompressed format?
  • 2001:0DB8:0000:0000:0BAF:0000:3F57:FE94
  • 2001:0DB8:0000:0BAF:0000:0000:3F57:FE94
  • 2001:DB80:0000:0000:BAF0:0000:3F57:FE94
  • 2001:0DB8:0000:0000:0000:0BAF:3F57:FE94
What is the purpose of the routing process?
  • to provide secure Internet file transfer
  • to convert a URL name into an IP address
  • to forward traffic on the basis of MAC addresses
  • to encapsulate data that is used to communicate across a network
  • to select the paths that are used to direct traffic to destination networks
What is the purpose of ICMP messages?
  • to provide feedback of IP packet transmissions
  • to monitor the process of a domain name to IP address resolution
  • to inform routers about network topology changes
  • to ensure the delivery of an IP packet
What happens if part of an FTP message is not delivered to the destination?
  • The message is lost because FTP does not use a reliable delivery method.
  • The part of the FTP message that was lost is re-sent.
  • The FTP source host sends a query to the destination host.
  • The entire FTP message is re-sent.
What is the primary purpose of NAT?
  • conserve IPv4 addresses
  • allow peer-to-peer file sharing
  • enhance network performance
  • increase network security
Why does a Layer 3 device perform the ANDing process on a destination IP address and subnet mask?
  • to identify the network address of the destination network
  • to identify the host address of the destination host
  • to identify the broadcast address of the destination network
  • to identify faulty frames
Refer to the exhibit. Using the network in the exhibit, what would be the default gateway address for host A in the network?

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Which three IP addresses are private ? (Choose three.)

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